Irish Setter Rescue in New Jersey
Adopt A Setter
Don't Breed or Buy While Homeless Animals Die
Photo by Perry Phillips
Rocky adopted February 1998
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Links to other sites on the web
Irish Setter Club of Ameria's Rescue site
Dogs needing a home - Petfinder
Adoption Application
Brandy and Rocky's Feature on Raw Setters
Rocky's feature as a Pet Therapist
Brandy, Rocky and Andy at ISCCC's site
Rocky as Mr. November 2002
Brandy's 15th Birthday Party
Rocky featured in Kim Levin's new book - Growing Up!
Why is cancer killing our pets?
Dr. Elizabeth Severino's site
Links to other fun pages on Rocky and Brandy's web site
Rescue success stories
Irish Setter Rescue parades
Setter Christmas Wishes
Every rescue should have their own couch
What is it with these Irish?
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Happy Birthday
Items to Benefit Rescue
Rescue Reunions
Portraits of your dogs
Tino, Sam & Massimo - Our Spinoni Italiani
Spin - Our English Setter
High Bridge, NJ Pooch Parades
Happy Halloween
Send an email to Adopt-A-Setter
Copyright ゥ 2003 Irish Setter Rescue in NJ. All Rights Reserved.